Siman Law Firm


January 6, 20200

Discrimination against employees or job application can result in a serious lawsuit against your company. Employment discrimination happens when employees are treated unfairly based on the several aspects of their identity. Since the discrimination of any sort is illegal, it can extend from hiring and firing to someone being objected to discrimination during their employment.

What is Employment Discrimination?

According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, any discrimination based on gender, color, race, religion, or national origin is strictly prohibited and could result in legal consequences.
In addition to that, the US Supreme court has also prohibited discrimination acts based on someone’s sexual orientation, protecting LGBTQ employees from unfair treatment.

Discrimination VS Harassment?

What most people don’t understand is that harassment is also a part of discrimination. There are several types of harassment an employee can be subjected to in their workplace, such as unwelcome behavior from the staff.
If you feel like you are being discriminated due to certain characteristics, you can always discuss this with your HR representative or supervisor. If you don’t receive any positive response from them, you might want to take legal action before it gets extreme.

Know Your Rights

If you are someone experiencing discrimination or any sort of assault at your workplace, you should not suffer under your silence. Acts of discrimination are strictly illegal in the eyes of the law.
If you are facing discrimination at your work, you need to involve a discrimination lawyer to help you fight your case.

Gender Discrimination

There are several federal and state laws to protect you against gender discrimination. Any discrimination of gender is prohibited at your workplace, during the process of hiring, compensation, promotion, termination, and general work environment. Federal, state, and even local laws protect people who oppose sex discrimination.

Race Discrimination

According to the federal and state laws, any employer is strictly prohibited from tolerating any discrimination among employees based on their race or ethnicity. The laws protect employees who suffer from such acts of discrimination at their workplaces. If you are receiving unfair treatment during hiring, termination, and promotion opportunity, you can have an attorney look into it.

Age Discrimination

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects anyone against discrimination ageing from 40 and onwards. Any discrimination against workers during the whole journey of employment can lead to serious legal action. Harassment based on age, which can cause a toxic work environment, is also prohibited.

Religious Discrimination

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other state laws prohibit discrimination based on their religious beliefs. The discrimination can be in the form of adverse actions but may also involve any harassment based on an employee’s faith. Offering reasonable accommodations for your employees’ religious practices and beliefs until it can cause “undue hardship.”


There are laws that protect an individual against discrimination in the work environment. If you want a solid win against the people promoting such toxicity in your workspace, book a consultation with Siman Law Firm so that you can enjoy a healthy personal and professional life ahead.

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