Siman Law Firm

BlogsCalifornia Personal Injury Lawyer : Hire Siman Law Firm For The Best Results

January 27, 20220

What Is A Personal Injury Case?

The accident may have been entirely unplanned, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t intentional.

When you’re in a car collision and the other party was not intending on causing harm or injury – they still could do so because accidents happen!

The driver of the car knew his actions were dangerous and could put lives at risk, but he still did them.

This is referred to as gross negligence because there’s no excuse for performing an illegal act while behind the wheel – especially when you’re drinking alcohol or aren’t fully awake after sleeping off night before lastingly placing yourself in this situation.

The difference between ordinary negligence and criminal liability is likely how long you were distracted by something else when your attention was supposed to be on the road.


The best way for drivers everywhere to avoid charges of reckless driving or homicide through traffic accidents caused from momentary lapses in concentration will now repay them with $ intoxication fine.

Lawyers are the best way to go when you’ve been injured in an accident. Reach out today and start recovering from your injuries!

If You Are Injured, This California Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You!

The personal injury attorneys at our firm work hard to make sure that your legal matters go as smoothly and quickly for you, the client.

They’ll guide every step of the way from initial contact through court proceedings so there’s no need to worry about anything other than getting back on track with life!

When you’re in a car accident, the last thing on your mind is legal advice.

But as soon as it starts raining outside and there are police cars everywhere — or even just one officer asking for some signatures at a traffic stop rowdy-you’ll remember that lawyers can help with these sorts of things!

Your attorney will walk alongside every step during this trying time; guiding not only what words come outta mouth but also how much information should go into documents related to damages caused by an auto collision suchs occur when using our vehicles.

A California Personal Injury Lawyer Helps You to Recover

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Lost income
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of companionship
  • Wrongful death and funeral expenses
  • Pain and suffering

You cannot put off dealing with personal injury claims.

The longer you wait, the harder it will be to recover damages in a court of law and make sure that your family is taken care of after an unfortunate event such as this one has occurred.

What Types Of Cases Does Siman Law Firm Handle?

  • Car Accident Lawsuits
  • Uber Accident, Lyft, and Rideshare Accident Lawsuits
  • Scooter Accident Lawsuits
  • Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits 
  • Truck Accident Lawsuits 
  • Bike Accident Lawsuits 
  • Slip and Fall Accident Lawsuits 
  • Defective Product Lawsuits 
  • Pedestrian Accident Lawsuits

Here are a list of the common injury types we work with:

  • Wrongful Death Cases
  • Brain Injuries
  • Trauma Activation
  • Broken Bones
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Paralysis
  • Spine Injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Cuts
  • Amputations

Guide For Choosing The Personal Injury Lawyer

Some people may think that hiring a personal injury attorney is the same as going to any other type of lawyer.

They are wrong!

When you need legal help with your case, it’s important for two reasons:

First because there’s usually more than one issue involved in these cases.

Second-and most importantly – lawyers can make all sorts of different types o f mistakes happen when they file papers or give statements under oath so finding someone trustworthy who knows what happened better could really help put things back into perspective if something went wrong on behalf of our family members experiencing pain due.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

If you are injured and find yourself in need of an attorney, it is important that one who will put your interests first.

A contingency fee office provides this for their clients by not taking any money unless they win the case – which means there’s no risk involved when choosing lawyers like these!

They don’t charge upfront retainers or fees before settling out-of-court because all client’s needs come first without having anything taken away from them during negotiations with another party.

You might be wondering why I should pay a fee up front when my case could end in minutes or settle down the line.

This is because settlement isn’t always immediate, which means that you will have an attorney who only got started working on my behalf once there was something worth settling for!

The great thing about contingency fees though? If we win – meaningMeans they get paid whatever damages were incurred by their client- then you can rest assured knowing your costs came out.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Personal Injury Settlement?

The length of time your case takes to resolve will depend on the people involved, companies involved and kind or damages you’re seeking.

It could be days or it might drag out for years- but in either event there isn’t a simple answer as each situation is different.

Do You Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer to Claim?

Minor injuries may not need to hire lawyers but if you have a serious case such as brain damage or broken bones then an attorney should be contacted immediately.

You have legal rights to file a personal injury suit on your behalf. If you represent yourself, the other side may take advantage of any lack in knowledge and resources that could slow down or cost them money out-of-court settlement (OOS).

Legal battles can take up a lot of time and energy.

You shouldn’t have to spend your healing process worrying about how much paperwork you’re signing or trying desperately to understand what’s going on in court proceedings- when all that matters is getting better as quickly as possible!

Filing claims, responding against other people’s suits:

These tasks don’t sound like something anyone would want to do at their most vulnerable point after an accident has occurred but they are necessary if one wants justice done because nobody deserves harm without being punished accordingly just think back on any situation where there was wrongdoing by someone else.

Call Simon Law Firm For The Best Lawyers in California

If you are in need of a lawyer in California, look no further than Siman Law Firm.

We have the best lawyers in the state who can help with any legal issue you may be facing. Contact us today for a free consultation, and we will get started on finding the perfect solution for you.

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