Siman Law Firm

Personal Injury Claims: What You Should Know?

In Los Angeles, California, numerous lawsuits are filed resulting from accidents and misconduct. These lawsuits involve personal injury claims seeking compensation for victims who sustain injuries. A thorough understanding of these claims is helpful for victims before pursuing legal action of this nature.

Can You Sue If You Weren’t Wearing A Helmet in a Bicycle Accident?

Bicycle Accidents in Los Angeles, California

How To Avoid Worker Compensation Mistakes After Being Injured?

The process is never error-free, and mistakes could jeopardize your claim. The majority of workers are unaware until it is too late that their mistakes during the workers' comp process can result in their claim being denied or with less compensation than they deserve.

Does the Statute of Limitations apply to workplace injuries?

Plaintiff can file a lawsuit within a set period of time without it being barred by the statute of limitations. The plaintiff will lose the right to bring the lawsuit if the time limit has passed. There are a number of factors that determine when a plaintiff has the right to sue. If the victim doesn't know the applicable statute of limitations, a personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles should be consulted.

What is Los Angeles’s compensation for factory accident injuries?

Factory workers have a relatively high rate of injuries due to the hazardous machines they use regularly. The work itself also carries a high risk. Often, repetitive motion injuries can result from performing the same movements over and over for long periods of time.

What Is A Personal Injury Case? The accident may have been entirely unplanned, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t intentional. When you’re in a car collision and the other party was not intending on causing harm or injury – they still could do so because accidents happen! The driver of the car knew his actions...

When is a Roof Fall Accident Liable?

There are many cases of roof disasters that cause injuries to victims. There is a possibility of experiencing intense pain, broken bones, damages to body parts, internal bleeding, and even death. It is possible that minor injuries can cause serious internal damage. A back injury could potentially result in leg paralysis.

How to Make Stores Accountable for Store Injuries

An accident or injury can occur in a store for a variety of reasons. Many of these accidents involve slips and falls that leave victims in severe pain with persistent wounds. The condition usually requires medical attention.

How Can Lawyers Determine Liability For Accidental Shootings?

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control reports that non-fatal shootings have become a concern in the United States, with over 70,000 hospital visits for those affected each year. In addition, more than half of all these people die as a result of gunshot wounds.