Siman Law Firm

How Does Employment-At-Will Work?

The language "at-will" in a job application, employment contract, or employee handbook often stumps applicants and new employees. They are even more confused when they learn just what this language means: An at-will employee can be terminated at any time regardless of any reason. In the event that your employer terminates your employment, your rights to appeal are very limited.

All You Need To Know About the California Wage and Hour Laws

Several states including California have gradually raised their minimum wages based on the size of the employer. Minimum wages for employers with less than 25 employees will be $13.00, while minimum wages for employers with 26 or more employees will be $14.00. By 2023, all employers will have to pay a minimum wage of $15.00.

How to Prevent Retaliation Claims from Employee

Since retaliation claims have become more frequent, it is important for employers, managers, supervisors, and human resources representatives to familiarize themselves with the law of retaliation. These claims have also become more expensive.

A Guide to Handling Discrimination and Harassment Complaints

Discrimination and harassment complaints tend to make employers nervous. The reason is simple: complaints like these can lead to workplace tension, government investigations, and even costly legal actions. Even unintentionally, mishandling a complaint could end up putting an employer out of business.

All You Need to Know About California Paycheck Laws

Paycheck and payday laws in California outline when you should be paid, what information your employer must include with your paycheck, when you should receive your final paycheck upon leaving or being fired, and what information should be included.

What Do You Need to Do When Hiring Your First Employee

Here are 13 things you need to do when hiring your first employee

Know Your Rights about Maternity and Paternity Leaves in California

Parents take parental leave to bond with their newborn children, also known as bonding leave. Women in California are entitled to maternity leave as a combination of parental leave and pregnancy disability leave. Parental leave is equivalent to paternity leave for California men.

All You Need To Know About Your Overtime Case

Employees who work more than 40 hours a week are legally required to be paid overtime by most employers in the United States. Originally, this rule was intended to eliminate unemployment as many as possible.

How Can You Protect Yourself from Unlawful Telephone Calls, Voice Mail, and Secret Recordings?

There is no requirement that most workplace monitoring, such as listening in on phone calls and recording or videotaping conversations, have some legitimate business purpose. However, federal law does not provide much protection against workers being watched and listened to on the job.