Siman Law Firm


January 6, 20200

After meeting an accident, you might start getting calls from the insurance company, police, employers, and others before your wounds have even dried. Having so much on your plate while you are trying to focus on your health and recovery can overwhelm you. Only a personal injury lawyer can rescue you.
A personal injury lawyer can help you with financial compensation for the damages sustained. The recovered funds can then go towards the medical bills, lost wages, or any financial damages. They can also make up for the pain and suffering you have endured.


The steps taken by a personal injury lawyer depends on the nature of your case, state, and what point your case is at. Some of the basic benefits of having a personal injury lawyer fight for your case include:

Claim Investigation

Personal injury lawyers mostly work on the contingency fee structure, meaning that they will only charge you if they have a settlement or jury verdict. Since they are usually financing your case, they take time out of their routine in evaluating the merits of the case. If the said attorney doesn’t believe that you have much of a case, they will not get on board.

Gathering Evidence

Based on your condition post-accident, you might not be able to help much, and you would need someone to do the job for you. Personal injury lawyer not only gather evidence, but they will also track down the witnesses and get their statements. They will get photographs of the accident report, property damage, camera footage, and other required evidence.

Handling the Insurance Company

Not everyone is skilled when it comes to negotiation. However, personal injury lawyers are trained to do this part of the job. They ensure that you could benefit from the deal at most. They review the policy details to determine the available compensation based on your case. They will handle all the communication with the insurance company so you can focus on the recovery and don’t jeopardize your claim by giving any statement.

Preparing Pleadings

If your insurance company refuses any settlement offer, based on your case, the personal injury lawyer will go against the defendant. Your attorney will file a complaint explaining why the defendant is responsible for the accident. The complaint will even state the financial damages you have sustained.

Representing You at Trials

If, somehow, your case proceeds to trial, your personal injury lawyer will stand by your side till the end of the ordeal. Since the defendant will also have a lawyer on their side, you would need someone to play the field for you. Moreover, a lawyer can draw resources like a private investigator, witnesses, and much more to help your case.


Having someone to back you, when an injury has been caused by someone else is crucial. A lawyer knows how the things roll in the court and can get you a fair chance at winning the case.

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