Unlawful and discriminatory conduct on part of employers has recently become more common. Our retaliation lawyers in Los Angeles have a solid understanding and experience of cases filed under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). It is illegal for any employer based in Los Angeles to retaliate against their employee, when their employee engages in state- protected activities. This is inclusive of reporting their employer’s illegal activities or resisting any form of harassment or discrimination. If you feel you’re experiencing or have experienced workplace retaliation, find a reliable and professional retaliation lawyer in Los Angeles.
It can be overwhelming and nerve-wracking dealing with an aggressive employer. However, standing strong and fighting for your rights is important, which is why consulting a retaliation lawyer can help you. Given how confusing and intricate California state employment laws are, it’s easy for people to give up. Rather than give up, communicate your concerns to us; we can guide you in all matters relating to employment laws.
It’s illegal to be treated unfairly in the workplace. With strong grounds to prove your case, you’ll need an attorney to move forward. Having represented countless employees who’ve suffered at the hands of their employers, Siman Law Firm can help you understand what acts are considered retaliation. There are a variety of ways in which an employer can retaliate against you, such as the following:
We can handle your claim if you’ve been fired for reporting any illegalities within the company or disciplined for reporting any form of discrimination or sexual harassment. Letting go of matters should never be an option when dealing with deceiving and intimidating employers. To defend your rights and any future employee’s rights, it is important to hold your employer accountable for their actions. Pay attention to their actions especially after filing any claim, as some employers don’t immediately start retaliatory actions.
If all you want is a good attorney to stand up to your employer, then get a consultation with Siman Law Firm to streamline matters for you. It’s vital that you don’t allow your employer to escape any form of liability, as this can become a pattern for them. You need to be aware of any retaliation actions directed towards you by your employer. So, don’t allow your lack of knowledge regarding labor laws or lack of resources to become an obstacle. Instead, make it a point to reach out to our retaliation lawyer in Los Angeles.
Please reach out — we’re waiting to hear from you!